KC Yang

KC Yang

KC Yang is a product marketing engineer at Accel Instruments, which specializes in high-frequency and high-current amplifiers for general lab bench testing. He received a Master of Science in electrical engineering from University of California, San Diego, and a Bachelor of Science in physics from Washington State University. He has published numerous application notes and article.

Areas of interest of the author: Power Oscillators Measurement

Publications on RadioLocman by the author KC Yang:

  1. Adapt single-coil relay driver to dual-coil use
    Relays are common electromechanical devices in electrical circuits that come in two types: either latched or non-latched. Latched relays retain their last switch position even after complete power loss and are available in either single coil or dual coil versions. The...
  2. High frequency Helmholtz coils generate magnetic fields
    High frequency Helmholtz coils are often used to generate uniform but time varying high frequency magnetic fields for a number of applications such as magnetic field susceptibility, calibration, and scientific experiment. A high frequency Helmholtz coil (Ref. 1) driver is needed...
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