Authors of publications - 5

Search results: 249 Output: 41-50
  1. Thomas Scarborough
  2. Nick Cornford · Nick Cornford
    Nick Cornford built his first crystal set at 10, and since then has designed professional audio equipment, many datacomm products, and technical security kit. He has at last retired.
  1. Samuel Klein · Samuel Klein
    Samuel Klein is an application engineer at Portescap. Samuel Klein holds a 2016 - 2017 Technological and Industrial Entrepreneurship Master (ETI) @ Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard. With a robust skill set that ...
  2. Frank Cox
  3. Michael Dunn
    Michael Dunn is a former Editor-in-Chief of EDN and has been messing with electronics almost as long as he's been walking. He got his first scope around age 15, and things have been going downhill ever since. Scopes now vie with wine racks, ...
  4. Glen Chenier
  5. Chau Tran
    Джордин Ромбола инженер по продукции в группе линейных и точных технологий (LPT) в компании ADI. Она пришла в Analog Devices в январе 2014 года после получения степени бакалавра в области электротехники и вычислительной техники в Вустерском ...
  6. Moshe Gerstenhaber
    Moshe Gerstenhaber is a Division Fellow at Analog Devices. He began his career at ADI in 1978 and has held various senior positions over the years in manufacturing, product engineering, and product design. Moshe is currently the design manager of ...
  7. T.K. Hareendran
    T.K.Hareendran is internationally certified professional freelance electronics circuit designer, technical writer, columnist, consultant, domain expert trainer. Since 1988.
  8. Bob Bell
EMS supplier