AlInGaP11.60.9AMBER1.40.8RED ORANGE1.20.7RED0.610. INTENSITY0.40.2RELATIVE LUMINOUS FLUX (NORMALIZED AT 350 mA)0.10.200530 545 560 575 590 605 620 635 650 665 6800100200300400500WAVELENGTH - nmDC FORWARD CURRENT - mAFigure 2. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength for Red, Red-Orange and AmberFigure 3. Relative Luminous Flux vs. Mono Pulse Current50014500.94000.83500.73000.62500.52000.41500.3NORMALIZED INTENSITYFORWARD CURRENT - mA 1000.2500.10000.511.522.53-90-60-300306090FORWARD VOLTAGE - VANGULAR DISPLACEMENT - DEGREESFigure 4. Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageFigure 5. Radiation Pattern for Red, Red Orange and Amber1.41.41.2D = A0.101.0P- A0.25PD = CURRENT, I0.4PULSE CURRENT, I0. 0.0001 0.0010.010.11101000.00001 0.0001 0.0010.010.1110100PULSE DURATION, tp - secPULSE DURATION, tp - secFigure 6. Maximum pulse current vs. ambient temperature.Figure 7. Maximum pulse current vs. ambient temperature.Derated based on TA = 25 ° C, R q J-A = 50 ° C/W.Derated based on TA = 85°C, R q J-A = 50 ° C/W. 6