Circuits & Schematics - Computers and Peripherals

Subsection: "Computers and Peripherals"
  Mouse   Printers
Search results: 34 Output: 1-10
  1. Jean-Bernard Guiot EDN Computers find universal use in industrial-control systems. During power- and start-up sequences (booting), the outputs of such control systems may yield uncontrolled pulses before the software defines the correct status. If ...
    Mar 6, 2017
  2. José M. Miguel Electronic Design Using a standard PC-sound card and straightforward circuit, you can implement low-cost on/off control of home appliances via the Internet. The system (Fig. 1) consists of a local computer (located where you ...
    Nov 25, 2016
  1. Jacob Beningo
    Circuits Interfaces Computers and Peripherals FTDI FT232R ADuM3211 Si8421BB-D-IS
    I stood in stunned silence at the smoke billowing up from the hardware on the workbench. Just moments before, it had been operating as expected, before self-destructing with a sound that can only be compared with a gunshot. The failure of the ...
    May 18, 2016
  2. Anatoly Besplemennov EDN This Design Idea utilizes an optical computer mouse's sensor for measuring rotation of a disk which can be mechanically connected to any sort of rotating apparatus. One feature is to allow adjustment of the pulses per ...
    Jan 21, 2016
  3. Lee Ee, FTDI Chip Electronic Design Using a basic GPS-specific chip and some standard support ICs, you can build a USB dongle that provides GPS capability with a Windows PC, enabling geolocation functions and features. The GPS dongle reports data ...
    Apr 1, 2015
  4. Ajoy Raman
    A common PC sound card can be used as a sine/square/triangle function generator, but the output suffers from limited rail-to-rail swing, plus its zero-centered has no DC offset. This circuit overcomes these constraints by using the second channel ...
    Feb 11, 2015
  5. Part 1 - Schematic Part 2 - Construction Notes, Fan Types and temperature sensors A new version (v1.1) of the Windows desktop application is available. The significant differences from the first version (v1.0) are: A new menu item (Program ...
    Mar 15, 2012
  6. Part 1 - Schematic Buck Converters This is a simple buck converter design and the output contains a lot of switching noise and is not very linear with respect to the control signal. This does not matter as a fan is just an electric motor and does ...
    Mar 15, 2012
  7. The Intelligent Fan Controller is designed to control the noise generated by the fans inside your computer. It does this by varying their speed based on temperatures measured inside the case. When it is cool the fans will run slowly and they will ...
    Mar 15, 2012
  8. Part 1 - Schematic This device's design is based on the Low Pin Count Development Kit hardware from Microchip , Microchip Solutions has example programs for that development kit so it is quite easy to get them running on the device covered in this ...
    Sep 8, 2011