Datasheet Microchip TC55RP2502EMB713

Part NumberTC55RP2502EMB713

1 µA Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator


Datasheet TC55
PDF, 376 Kb, Language: en, File uploaded: May 18, 2020, Pages: 18
1 µA Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator - Obsolete Device
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Detailed Description

Obsolete Device

This product is not recommended for new design, please consider device MCP1700.

TC55 Series is a collection of CMOS low dropout positive voltage regulators which can source up to 250mA of current with an extremely low input-output voltage differential of 380mV at 200mA. The low dropout voltage combined with the low current consumption of only 1.1µA makes this part ideal for battery operation. The low voltage differential (dropout voltage) extends battery operating lifetime. It also permits high currents in small packages when operated with minimum VIN – VOUT differentials. The circuit also incorporates short-circuit protection to ensure maximum reliability.

Please consider this device MCP1700 , MCP1701.

Model Line