(Deviation from output at 25°C) (Deviation from output at 25°C) (Deviation from output at 25°C) TABLE I NOTES: 1/ VPOS = 5.0 V, TA nom = 25ºC, TA max = 125ºC, and TA min = -55ºC, RFin = 50 Ω source impedance, unless otherwise noted. 2/ Parameter is part of device initial characterization which is only repeated after design and process changes or with subsequent wafer lots. Parameter is not tested post irradiation 3/ The Intercept specification is defined as the calculated crossing point of the RFin = 0.0Vpk axis of a line defined by the calibration points plotted as Vout (in volts) verses RFin (in volts peak), not the 0 dBm axis crossing. The Slope specification is defined as the calculated slope of a line defined by the calibration points plotted as Vout (in volts) verses RFin (in volts peak). The measured Vout due to RFin = 0.0V peak being applied defined is a specification called Offset. 4/ Slope and intercept calculated using LSqR (Least Squared Regression) of seven test points: Inputs levels are 10dBm, 8dbm, 6.5dBm, 5dBm, 2dBm, - 2dBm and -10dBm; which is equivalent to 1.0Vpk, 0.79Vpk, 0.67Vpk, 0.56Vpk, 0.40Vpk, 0.25Vpk and 0.10Vpk.