Roger Griswold

Roger Griswold

Areas of interest of the author: Supply Light Measurement Power

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Roger Griswold:

  1. LED-current limiter accepts ac or dc
    LED drivers have lots of features and require plenty of external components. When your application requires no PWM (pulse-width-modulated) dimming or controlled frequency operation, your primary concern may be that too much current could damage or destroy your LEDs. In this...
  2. Calibrated Noise Test Setup Increases Measurement Repeatability
    This circuit increases the repeatability of noise test setups by providing reference points in the noise-vs.-frequency output generated by the network analyzer. It's based on Maxim MAX4475, MAX427, and MAX4101 op amps. Noise measurements can be problematic. They often...
  3. Derive a simple high-current source from a lab supply
    When electronic testing requires an adjustable current source, you must often build that piece of test equipment in the lab. You can easily make such a current source from a standard force-sense lab power supply (Figure 1). The circuit requires an additional power supply for the...
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