Kevin Vasconcelos

Kevin Vasconcelos

Kevin Vasconcelos is a Lab Maqnager at Analog Devices based in Wilmington, Massachusetts. Previously, Kevin was a Manager, Lab & Facilities at Analog Devices and also held positions at National Semiconductor.

Work Experience

Siliconix – 1978-1979
National Semiconductor – 1979-1989
Analog Devices – 1989-present

Areas of interest of the author: Supply

Co-authors: Mitchell Lee

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Kevin Vasconcelos:

  1. ±5V converter uses off-the-shelf surface mount coil
    Kevin Vasconcelos Mitchell Lee
    Single-output switching regulator circuits can often be adapted to multiple output configurations with a minimum of changes, but these transformations usually call for custom wound inductors. A series of standard inductors, featuring quadrifilar windings, allows power...
  2. Adjustable 0 V to 5 V power supply
    Linear regulator ICs are commonly used in variable power supplies. Common types such as the 317 can be adjusted as low as 1.25 V in single-supply applications. At low output voltages power losses in these regulators can be a problem. For example, if an output...
EMS supplier