Paul Mullins

Paul Mullins

Paul Mullins

Paul Mullins is a product /test engineer for the Integrated Amplifier Products Group at Analog Devices, in Wilmington, MA. He joined the company in 1994 and is responsible for product characterization and test development of precision signal-processing components. Paul holds a BSEE from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

Areas of interest of the author: Analogue Design Measurement

Co-authors: Chau Tran

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Paul Mullins:

  1. Current monitor compensates for errors
    Chau Tran Paul Mullins
    You sometimes need to measure load currents as large as 5 A in the presence of a common-mode voltage as high as 500 V. To do so, you can use Analog Devices’ AD8212 high-voltage current-shunt monitor to measure the voltage across a shunt resistor. You can use this...
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