Susan Pratt

Susan Pratt

Susan Pratt

Susan Pratt, a senior applications engineer with responsibility for ADI’s resistive and capacitive touch controllers, graduated from the University of Limerick (Ireland) with a BEng in electronic engineering. She joined Analog Devices in 2002 and is based in Limerick.

Areas of interest of the author: Measurement

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Susan Pratt:

  1. Temperature monitor measures three thermal zones
    You can use an ADT7461 single-channel temperature monitor; an ADG708 low-voltage, low-leakage CMOS 8-to-1 multiplexer; and three standard 2N3906 p-n-p transistors to measure the temperature of three separate remote thermal zones (Figure 1). Multiplexers have resistance,...
    May 19, 2021