Dennis Eichenberg

Dennis Eichenberg

Dennis Eichenberg

Dennis J. Eichenberg was a long time employee of NASA.

Dennis J. Eichenberg was an academic researcher from Glenn Research Center. He has contributed to research in topics: Hybrid power & Energy storage. Dennis has an hindex of 5, co-authored 29 publications.

Dennis passed away in February 2014 at the age of 57.

Areas of interest of the author: Supply Analogue Design Light

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Dennis Eichenberg:

  1. Circuit monitors ac-power loss
    The circuit in Figure 1 provides a simple, nonvolatile means of monitoring critical ac-power failures. Monitoring the power is important in such systems as heating and refrigeration, in which damage can occur if the ac power goes down for an extended period. The circuit in...
    Jul 2, 2019
  2. Ultracapacitor powers bicycle light
    The circuit in Figure 1 represents a simple and inexpensive way to provide additional bicycling safety. A conventional bicycle-generator lighting system works with the circuit to provide safety lighting for several minutes after the bicycle has stopped. Energy storage uses an...
    Nov 7, 2018
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