Datasheet Vishay SFH6156-1

Part NumberSFH6156-1
Datasheet Vishay SFH6156-1

Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, High Reliability, 5300 V RMS


Datasheet SFH6156
PDF, 174 Kb, Language: en, File uploaded: Feb 12, 2024, Pages: 9
Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, High Reliability, 5300 V RMS
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Detailed Description

The SFH6156 features a variety of transfer ratios, low coupling capacitance and high isolation voltage.

This coupler has a GaAs infrared diode emitter, which is optically coupled to a silicon planar phototransistor detector, and is incorporated in a plastic SMD package.

The coupling devices are designed for signal transmission between two electrically separated circuits.

Model Line

Other Names:

SFH61561, SFH6156 1