8x85 RGB POV Display. Part 1

Brads electronic projects

This was my first attempt at a nice and colourful RGB LED POV Display.

Цветной POV дисплей 8х85 пикселов

POV stands for persistence of vision. The circuit uses just 8 RGB leds which are mounted vertically and when spun horizontally it gives the illusion of having an 8×85 pixel display.

Here’s a few of photos of my original design (without a position sensor)

LEDS on but not yet spinning

Цветной POV дисплей 8х85 пикселов

Starting to spin up.

Цветной POV дисплей 8х85 пикселов

The retrobrad display

Цветной POV дисплей 8х85 пикселов

To be continued

EMS supplier