Ole Dreessen

Ole Dreessen

Ole Dreessen

Ole Dreessen is a field applications staff engineer at Analog Devices. Prior to joining ADI in 2014, he held positions at Avnet Memec and Macnica, supporting communication technologies and high performance microprocessors. Ole has broad expertise in microcontroller and security topics and is an experienced presenter at conferences and distribution events. In his free time, he is an active member of the Chaos Computer Club, where he has worked on concepts such as reverse engineering and embedded security.

Areas of interest of the author: Artificial Intelligence Microcontrollers Usage

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Ole Dreessen:

  1. What Is Machine Learning? Part 1 - Introduction to convolutional neural networks
    Abstract The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, and AI is increasingly enabling applications that were previously unattainable or very difficult to implement. This series of articles explains convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and their significance...
    1. 27-02-2024
    2. 27-02-2024
    3. 29-02-2024
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