Christian Nau

Christian Nau

Christian Nau

Christian Nau is a product applications manager at Analog Devices and has a background in automotive electronics and sensors. He joined ADI in 2015 as a field applications engineer and subject matter expert supporting magnetic sensors in the EMEA region. Since 2019, Christian has been working in ADI’s Magnetic Sensor Technology Group, supporting customer engagements on existing products and working on the future direction of the group covering multiple markets.

Areas of interest of the author: Measurement

Co-authors: Stephen Bradshaw Enda Nicholl

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Christian Nau:

  1. Multiturn position sensor provides true power-on capabilities with zero power
    Christian Nau Enda Nicholl Stephen Bradshaw
    Abstract This article outlines the current methods used to enable true power-on (TPO) multiturn sensing capabilities and introduces a new simplified solution that is set to reshape both the industrial and automotive position sensing markets. The simplified system will enable...
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