Abel Raynus was born on February 3, 1931 in Leningrad, Russia. In 1954, he graduated from the Electrotechnical Institute, Leningrad, USSR. In 1960, Raynus graduated with honours from the North-West Polytechnic Institute, Leningrad, USSR, with a ...
Dennis J. Eichenberg was a long time employee of NASA. Dennis J. Eichenberg was an academic researcher from Glenn Research Center. He has contributed to research in topics: Hybrid power Energy storage. Dennis has an hindex of 5, co-authored 29 ...
Dennis Feucht has been involved in power electronics for 40 years, designing motor-drives and power converters. He has an instrument background from Tektronix, where he designed test and measurement equipment and did research in Tek Labs. He has ...
David Hunter is an applications engineer in the Linear Products Group at ADI’s Wilmington campus. He joined ADI in 2006 as a field applications engineer working out of the Northwest Labs Design Center, serving the test and measurement field, ...
Peter Haak started in electronic development in 1986 and since 1993, he has worked as an independent consultant specializing in sensors and instrumentation. He has worked with many different customers, from small enterprises to large companies and ...
Susan Pratt, a senior applications engineer with responsibility for ADI’s resistive and capacitive touch controllers, graduated from the University of Limerick (Ireland) with a BEng in electronic engineering. She joined Analog Devices in 2002 ...
Michael A. Wyatt (Member, IEEE) was born in Nashville, TN, in 1948. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering at the University of South Florida, Tampa, in 1980.,He has also worked for Honeywell and Xetron (a subsidiary of Northrop ...
John W. Fattaruso grew up in Berkeley, CA, and received the B.S (highest honors), M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1978, 1982 and 1986, respectively.,He has been a Hertz Foundation ...
Jim Tonne has been involved with electrical-circuit design and analysis, largely in the broadcast industry, since 1965. His specialties are filter design and speech processing, and he has been a regular contributor to the ARRL Handbook as well as ...
Miro (Miroslav) Oljaca, Senior Application Engineer at Texas Instruments has over 20 years design experience in the field of Motor Control and Power Conversion. His experience ranges from small fractional to several hundred HP designs. Currently, ...