Rod Elliott

Rod Elliott

Rod Elliott

Rod Elliott is based in Sydney (Australia), where he lived for the majority of my life.

He's a QbE (Qualified by Experience) engineer - he has an official qualification., but they are relatively meaningless without experience and background - he consider them to be 'unimportant'. He worked in the electronics, audio, computer and the telecommunications industries for over 50 years, and have developed a number of products which in their time received critical acclaim. At this stage of his career (Definition: to rush or hurtle with much speed but little or no control) he has no real desire to re-enter the rush and bustle of commercial enterprise, but one cannot still a lifelong passion.

Areas of interest of the author: Audio Oscillators Measurement

Co-authors: Tom McKay

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Rod Elliott:

  1. Ultra-low distortion sinewave oscillator
    Rod Elliott Tom McKay
    Introduction As discussed in the article [1], although a sinewave is the simplest possible waveform, it is also one of the hardest to generate in pure form. Any impurity represents distortion, and that means added harmonics that make very low distortion measurements...
    1. 23-03-2023
    2. 24-03-2023
  2. Pink Noise Generator for Audio Testing
    For audio testing, a pink noise source is an invaluable tool. It is essentially a flat frequency response noise source, and will quickly show any anomalies in speaker systems, room acoustics and crossover networks. White noise (the sound you hear when a TV is tuned to a...
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