Steve Hageman

Steve Hageman

Areas of interest of the author: Analogue Design Tools and Technologies Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) Digital Microcontrollers Usage Supply Measurement

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Steve Hageman:

  1. My favorite design idea of all time…
    The editors of EDN will tell you that the Design Ideas section is the most popular section of the...
  2. Simple technique makes low-cost pc-board shields
    Many pc-board assemblies require shields to reduce susceptibility to interference from...
  3. Frequency dithering enhances high-performance ADCs
    Since the late 1970s, designers have successfully improved the effective resolution and spurious...
  4. Digital-I/O circuit adapts to many interface voltages
    To test products in my R&D lab, I build many universal data-acquisition systems that connect to...
  5. Single switch serves dual duty in small, microprocessor-based system
    Traditional control-system designs use separate switches to control power and various system...
  6. Simple circuits reduce regulator noise floor
    In the old days every instrument or system had a power supply board with discrete, homemade...
  7. High-impedance FET probe extends RF-spectrum analyzer's usable range
    Current models of spectrum analyzers routinely offer frequency responses that begin as low as 10...
  8. Shields are your friend, except when...
    Engineers just love to put shields on circuits, mostly as a defensive measure against signals on...
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