Facilitate oscilloscope debug of small microcontroller systems

Josef Valasek


If you develop an application on a small microcontroller, your diagnostic tools for debugging of the program code might be very limited. This Design Idea introduces a simple debugging routine for plotting the binary value of one byte on a scope display. It uses one output pin of the microcontroller.

To display a byte value, load it into the accumulator and call the routine named Debug. The value is converted to serial and output on the port named Test (Figure 1). The most-significant bit is plotted first. Adding demarcation pulses between similar bits makes reading easy. If you need to display more than one byte, call Debug more than once.

Facilitate oscilloscope debug of small microcontroller systems
Figure 1. The scope says "01000111".

An 8051 version is shown below. The routine uses no RAM; it uses R7 only. Execution time is 76 µs for a standard 12-clock 12 MHz 8051 core (including the call).

   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Procedure:      Debugging Routine                       *
   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Entry:          Data byte in Acc                        *
   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Exit:           Serial of signals on port "Test"        *
   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Affected:       Acc, r7                                 *
   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Assembler:      KEIL, A51 MACRO ASSEMBLER               *
   ;*                                                              *
   Test    bit     P1.5            ; Diagnostic output port
           public  Debug
           RSEG    SGC_DEBUG
   Debug:  push    psw             ; Save PSW
           mov     r7,#9           ; Number of cycles
           clr     EA              ; Disable all interrupts
           clr     c               ; Clear carry bit
   Loop:   rlc     a               ; Shift data bit to C
           jnc     Zero
   One:    clr     Test            ; "1" bit slice beginning
           setb    Test
           djnz    r7,Loop
   Zero:   setb    Test            ; "0" bit slice beginning
           clr     Test
           djnz    r7,Loop         ; Repeat for 9 bits
           setb    EA              ; Enable all interrupts
           pop     psw             ; Recover PSW

A PIC versin is shown below. The routine uses 2 bytes of RAM & 2 registers.

   ;*                                *
   ;*      Procedure:      Debugging Routine                       *
   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Entry:          Data byte in W                          *
   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Exit:           Serial of signals on port "Test"        *
   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Affected:       W, C, TempCtr, TempData                 *
   ;*                                                              *
   ;*      Assembler:      Microchip, MPASM                        *
   ;*                                *
           list    p=16F505,r=dec,c=93,n=63,st=OFF
           #include "p16F505.inc"

   #define Test            PORTB,1 ; Diagnostic Port
           global  Debug
   TempCtr         equ     H'0E'   ; Temporary Counter
   TempData        equ     H'0F'   ; Temporary Data
   Debug   movwf   TempData        ; Save data byte
           movlw   9               ; Number of cycles
           movwf   TempCtr
           bcf     STATUS,C        ; Clear Carry bit
   Loop    rlf     TempData,F      ; Shift data bit to C
           btfss   STATUS,C
           goto    Zero
   One     bcf     Test            ; "1" bit slice beginning
           bsf     Test
           decf    TempCtr,F
           goto    Loop
   Zero    bsf     Test            ; "0" bit slice beginning
           bcf     Test
           decfsz  TempCtr,F
           goto    Loop
           retlw   0

Using one of the ISP pins for output is a good solution, because you usually can connect a scope probe directly to the pin of the ISP programming connector.


  1. Peeters, Brad, PIC debugging routine reads out binary numbers, EDN, December 7, 2000, p.196


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