Most of us have experienced dropping or spilling liquid over our over priced sensitive cell phones or gadgets and lost them forever. Most people try to save their gadgets the wrong way . ex using a hair dryer witch may force moisture further into ...
For this first Instructable, I'll show you a recent hack I made. I had a cheap malfunctioning headset and a broken cellphone (cracked screen) and I needed a reliable solution to make calls with Skype.. so I combined two ready-for-trash items in a ...
Florin shows us how to convert a Nokia 1110 cell phone’s normal monochrome LCD to a color LCD scrounged from a Nokia 1600. This article does not have much to do with microcontrollers or electronics hobby work but it is interesting and shows ...
Bob Carret About three years ago,I bought a USB data cable to use with T610 mobile phone.I can’t remember what is model just know it is made in China.But now I have a new model mobile phone and my USB data cable not used at all.So I want to ...
I bet nobody has given you a business card before that actually dials you up by itself! Read on to find out how I did it ... Do you like making things? Do you do it for money, or would like to? If so, you need a business card. These can be your ...
I’ve been reading a lot on how DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) tones work over the last couple of weeks. I’m sure you’ve noticed that when you press the keys on a standard telephone keypad, an audible ‘beep’ is ...
Dead batteries are the scourge of cellphone jockeys and iPod people everywhere. But you can avoid volt loss by charging your gadgets while you carry them. Just equip an old messenger bag with a lightweight, weather-proof solar panel, a simple ...