Circuits & Schematics CAD & Software

Subsection: "CAD & Software"

Computer-aided design of electronic devices

Search results: 3 Output: 1-3
  1. Simulation Model To model this circuit in LTspice or any other simulator you have to take into account the input capacitance of the probe cable, and the impedance of the inductor itself. The cable capacitance was measured by a capacitance meter and ...
  2. Andy Collinson Description An electromagnetic field probe designed to detect changing electric and magnetic fields. The probe has switchable gain, a frequency response up to 400kHz and independent audio and meter monitoring. Click to enlarge ...
  1. Atanua is a real-time logic simulator, designed to help in learning of basic boolean logic and electronics. It uses OpenGL hardware-accelerated rendering and a custom UI designed for a fast workflow and a very low learning curve, letting the ...