Circuits & Schematics: Volt - 5

Search for: "Volt"
Search results: 98 Output: 41-50
  1. .. simple TTL power supply monitor circuit monitors the 5-volt level TTL power line and gives a signal whether the supply voltage is outside or within the necessary range or ...
  1. .. this low cost charger, adapter accepts a wide range of input voltage , from 85 VAC up to 265 VAC and will provide a fixed 5 volt DC output at a maximum output current of 1 ampere.
  1. .. that might cause false triggering if the switches are located far away from the circuit. The circuit was tested using a 12 volt, 25 watt automotive lamp, and IRFZ44 . Other MOSFETs can probably be used.
  2. .. circuit is a simple ultraviolate light that can be powered by a 6 volt battery or power supply that is capable of supplying 1 or more amps. Circuit diagram Parts C1 0.0047uf Mono ...
  3. .. Collinson Description This circuit is a simple form of the commercial UPS, the circuit provides a constant regulated 5 Volt output and an unregulated 12 Volt supply. In the event of electrical supply line failure the battery takes over, ...
  4. .. regulator 78L05 , some NPN transistors and a pair of logic MOSFET IRF510 as a final amplifier. Click to enlarge 1000 Volt DC to DC Regulator Circuit The workings of high voltage DC to DC converter is the same principle as written in ...
  5. .. off and there is absolutely no current drain from the battery. When the sun gets up and panel starts producing at least 10 Volt, the LED lights and the two smalltransistors switch on. This powers the regulator circuit. As long as the battery ...
  6. .. output in just a couple of times the ground so a voltage divider (1K/470) is used to reduce the voltage signal at about 0,7 volt. An additional diode added in series with transistor base to ensure that off when the voltage op-amp is 2 volts. ...
  7. .. a Savonius rotor. At 200 RPM the output is only about four or five volts. While this is obviously not enough to charge a 12 volt battery by itself, a bit of clever circuitry solved the problem. Some time back a circuit was published in one of ...
  8. .. device that can control DC devices which draw up to a few amps of current. The circuit may be used in either 12 or 24 Volt systems with only a few minor wiring changes. This device has been used to control the brightness of an ...

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