Circuits & Schematics: 1 -Wire Barometer - 5/10 Volt Design vrs 2 - 10

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Search results: 1,584 Output: 91-100   Including: 10 (1095); Design (946); Wire (261); Volt (98); Barometer (3); vrs (0).
  1. .. First, prepare these materials: Core: ferrite, EE-20-10-6 (B66311G0000X187) Primary winding: 2.88 mH (124 turns of 0.2 mm wire) Gap: around 0.25 mm (mathematically) Secondary winding: 6 turns of 2×0.7 mm wires (two 0.7 mm wires in ...
    .. to perform all tests. I am confident that building this circuit enhances your knowledge regarding switching power supply design, except for using it for real applications. Specifications Input voltage: 85-265 VAC Output voltage: 5 VDC ...
  1. .. on the dynamic conductance of optoisolators' junctions, simple optoisolator bridges compute the watts and volt-amperes of an ac load. W Stephen Woodward, Chapel Hill A decade or so ago, I designed a simple circuit that ...
    .. of the copper compensates most of the temperature dependence of the LEDs’ conductances. The circuit in this Design Idea is an elaboration on that older circuit. It acquires not only watts, but also volt-amperes and so makes ...
  1. .. max rated load. Below 1% the output will rise to the value of the overvoltage clamping zener Z2 across the output. For a 12 volt output, a typical value for this zener will be 15 volts and at no load, the output will be clamped at this level. ...
    Design Note DN05058/D December 2013 This design note describes a very simple, low power, constant voltage output ...
  2. .. resistance rises and the other falls. Accurate measurements with resistive sensors require compensation for losses due to wire resistance, especially when wire lengths are tens of meters. The compensation method in this Design Idea relies ...
  3. .. systems that run on 12 volt batteries. The voltmeter is an expanded scale type that indicates small voltage steps over the 10 to 16 volt range for 12 volt batteries. At the heart of the circuit is a ubiquitous dot-bar volt meter LM3914N (IC1). ...
  4. .. the host. Figure 1. A typical LCD module. This hardware interface Design Idea (Figure 2) reduces the connection to just one wire, allowing a basic microcontroller with limited I/O to drive a large display, either directly, through a standard ...
  5. .. a maximum guaranteed R DS of 1.0 kΩ. Since the instrument’s input impedance is typically very high, say above 10 MΩ, the additional 2.0 kΩ series resistance from Q 1 and Q 2 will not affect measurement accuracy. Figure ...
  6. .. perfect supply regulation. It first doubles and then inverts 5 V to generate nominally symmetrical positive and negative 10-volt rails which can each handily supply several milliamps. The complete converter consists of two inexpensive ...
  7. .. data from microcontroller is fed to the shift register through DS (14) pin. OE (13) pin is grounded and reset pin MR (10) is pulled high. Parallel outputs Q0-Q3 from 74HC595 are connected to D4-D7 pins of the LCD module. Similarly, Q4 ...
  8. .. all other windings. Wind 10 turn center tapped winding drive and 4 turn centertapped feedback winding using # 16-20 gauge wire. Make sure that both halves of each coil are wound in the same direction. A good insulation with duct tape. Vcc ...
    .. is typically on the order of 1 to 2 mA. Higher currents are available, but decreases the output voltage. A 2 kV, more than 10 mA may be possible depending on your particular flyback transformer input voltage and current. As you can see the ...

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