Articles - Programmable Logic (PLD, FPGA)

Subsection: "Programmable Logic (PLD, FPGA)"
Search results: 5 Output: 1-5
  1. Mark Hastings, Cypress Semiconductor EE Times To make the best decision as to what will work best for your project, you need to understand how different MCU vendors implement internal programmable logic In the last 25 years, the internal ...
    Sep 8, 2016
  2. Richard Wilson Electronics Weekly Microcontrollers are becoming system-on-chip (SoC) devices and there is no way back for the ubiquitous controller device, says supplier Microchip. Even low cost 8-bit microcontrollers now integrate a large number ...
    Jul 4, 2016
  1. Max Maxfield, Richard Price EETimes One of the main design considerations for the FPGA-based Cubic Board was to make it easily accessible to both software and hardware developers I first met Bo Zhou in September 2013. We both worked at Altera ...
    May 24, 2016
  2. Sachin Gupta, Cypress Semiconductor Electronic Design Using run-time reconfigurable analog and digital logic can enable greater than 100% utilization of available hardware resources, resulting in a smaller footprint and lower system cost When ...
    Aug 15, 2014
  3. Mul tiple, on-chip, production-ready, industrial Ethernet and fieldbus communication protocols eliminate the need for an external ASIC/FPGA and save 30 percent on BOM costs One scalable, low-power ARM Cortex-A8 processor platform (275 MHz to 720 ...
    Nov 30, 2011