In switch-mode power converters, peak current control is very popular because of its inherent current limitation and ease of control. However, if the duty cycle is higher than 50%, there is an instability problem. Some background: The up-slope of ...
Many precision test-and-measurement and high-speed analog applications require an exact targeted voltage to be delivered to the device under test or intended load to accurately analyze the device. Design and test engineers are well-aware that this ...
Simplicity and low cost sustain the popularity of passive PWM DAC ripple filters despite their limitations. One of these limitations is a high output impedance caused by the series sum of filter resistance(s) (R F in Figure 1, one resistor for each ...
The editors of EDN will tell you that the Design Ideas section is the most popular section of the website, this goes back to the print editions, where that was the first section that most if not all readers turned to first upon getting a new issue. ...
When someone notices that two 8-bit DACs can be bought for less than one 16-bit DAC, a classic question is often asked: Why can’t you simply take two 8-bit DACs, assign one to the MSByte, the other to the LSByte, sum their outputs in a 28:1 ...
Figure 1 shows a typical using of LM350 ( LM317 ) adjustable regulator when you need to adjust its output voltage. Figure 1. This voltage is approximately given here as: The potentiometer R2 is often the most unreliable part of the circuit. As ...
At times, designers face a limited amount of wire and/or a limited cost to communicate with a remote device such as a sensor. Many devices allow communication over an ac or dc power line employing an AM or FM modulation scheme. However, they tend ...
In test-and-measurement applications, you must provide overvoltage protection for the output terminals of amplifiers, power supplies, and similar components. The conventional way to accomplish this task is to add series resistors with the output ...
Readers will recognize the famous name Claude Elwood Shannon, widely renowned as the “father of information theory” and originator of many discoveries and inventions. Among these is an elegant and pioneering (First published in 1948!) ...
In process-control applications requiring discontinuous controllers, the most elementary choice is a two-position-mode or on/off controller. A typical example of such a controller is a space heater. If the temperature drops below a setpoint, the ...