Circuits & Schematics Texas Instruments

Manufacturer: "Texas Instruments"
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  1. Circuits Supply Solar Texas Instruments CD4053B LM340L LMC555 TLV9101
    When the Sun is shining and illumination is needed inside a dimly lit interior space, a popular, proven, and highly efficient solution is to utilize the energy of available sunlight in the simplest and most sustainable fashion conceivable: Opening ...
  2. Battery-operated instrument benefited from auto-power shutdown A handheld, battery-operated “fiber finder” measures the light escaping from an optical fiber when clamped in a V-shaped block under slight pressure. A pair of photodiodes ...
  1. All thermal anemometers work by inferring air speed from measurements of thermal impedance (Z) between a heated sensor and the surrounding air: (1) where P is the power dissipated by the sensor and T is the temperature difference between the sensor ...
  2. In Part 1 ( Ref. 1 ) of this article, we briefly looked at the Wien bridge oscillator before homing in on the bi-quad filter as our best candidate for an oscillator capable of giving 0.0001%/ 120 dB distortion, and showed its full circuit. Treating ...
  3. Over the years, the Design Ideas (DI) column has featured many interesting oscillators, but none that I can recall was specifically designed to produce a really clean sine wave. Putting that omission together with the need to rebuild my old ...
  4. Testing the system Testing was done at various sunlight intensities. For any given sunlight intensity, V PV , I PV , V M , I M , etc., are measured. Figure 5 shows the variation of PV power (P PVON ), converter power (P M ), and total power (P TOT ...
  5. The PV-pushback-effect with solar panels can control backup power and provide constant light output. Solar day lamps (SDLs) are made by simply connecting an LED array to a solar photovoltaic (PV) panel. SDLs represent a highly cost-effective way of ...
  6. While an internal, rechargeable lithium battery is usually the best solution for portable kit nowadays, there are still times when using replaceable cells with an external power option, probably from a USB source, is more appropriate. This DI shows ...
  7. Self-heated transistors used as thermal air flow sensors are a particular (obsessive?) interest of mine, and over the years I must have designed dozens of variations on this theme. Figure 1 illustrates one such topology seen here (Reference 1) ...
  8. Integration of analog circuitry with digital logic often requires the addition of an extra supply rail or two. The excellent PSRR of precision op-amps (typically 100 dB) makes them unfussy about power rail variations. This simplifies power supply ...

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