Circuits & Schematics STMicroelectronics

Manufacturer: "STMicroelectronics"
Search results: 38 Output: 1-10
  1. In recent EDN design ideas, we’ve seen thermostat designs that meld the functions of sensor and heater into a single device: FET, BJT, or even a simple length of fine gauge copper wire. A virtue inherent in thermostat designs that use a ...
  2. Let’s see how you can effectively double the output sink current of the plain old 555 timer. From the block diagram in Figure 1 taken from the datasheet of the ST’s TS555 low power single CMOS timer) we can see that the Discharge pin ...
  1. When a system's specifications call for a lowpass filter with a steep frequency-cutoff characteristic, an engineer can opt for a “brick-wall”- filter design that features a sharp transition band. For example, in an FM ...
  2. Story The high temperature of the power components is a known phenomenon in electronics. To overcome this challenge, the designers mount heatsinks on the components to dissipate the heat, however, in many commercial and home appliance devices, the ...
  3. Conventional thermostats are based on separate temperature sensor and heater devices with means for feedback between them. But in some recent EDN design ideas (DIs) we’ve seen thermostat designs that meld the functions of sensor and heater ...
  4. While choosing an op-amp buffer, some sources of negative supply were considered, because the buffer op-amp had to provide true zero voltage on its output. In reality, a typical rail-to-rail output op-amp isn’t capable of this, it can ...
  5. With just one leftover op amp or comparator, you can add a battery-condition indicator to your portable circuit design. To indicate the life in an aging battery visually, the circuit in Figure 1 varies the duty cycle and flash rate of an LED when ...
  6. You often need to measure current during circuit design and debugging. You can perform that task by breaking a path, inserting a shunt resistor, measuring its voltage, and converting the voltage to current. Unfortunately, that approach is sometimes ...
  7. Designers often use chargers with flyback topologies to quickly charge energy-storage capacitors (references 1 and 2 ). In a flyback topology, the energy transfer takes place only when the charger’s power MOSFET is off, which effectively ...
  8. Energy meters, heating/ventilation/air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, and high-power equipments that run on three-phase ac inputs pose a challenge to power-supply designers because nominal input voltage can be as high as 540 V ac. The challenge ...

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