Articles: Arduino

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  1. .. at a development kit lately, it may be compatible with one of the popular hobbyist/maker platforms like Raspberry Pi or Arduino (Fig. 1). It’s not surprising given the ecosystems that have grown up around these popular platforms. ...
  1. .. designs and across the Internet of Things. This has led to shortages in popular boards such as the Raspberry Pi, with Arduino and BeagleBoard also popular, but with calls for more support for machine learning. Raspberry Pi Pico. A ...
  1. .. air pollutant in the air. In this article I will provide the details about Air Pollution Monitoring and Alter System using Arduino. Required Components: Arduino Uno MQ-135 Potentiometer (1K ohm) 16 × 2 LCD LED Buzzer 220 ohm ...
  2. .. Most of what you learn from BASIC programming will apply to C or another language. Language Hopping One detour was my Arduino adventure. As you probably know, its language is essentially the same as C or C++ with all of the usual ...
  3. Sensors Maxim DS18B20
    .. If the ROM does not follow the pattern 28-xx-xx-xx-xx-00-00-xx then the DS18B20 sensor is a clone [1]. Also, there are two Arduino sketches provided to test DS18B20 sensors: discover_fake_DS18B20.ino performs some harmless tests and ...
  4. .. Bradnam Use the latest ATtiny processors in the Arduino Environment. These have the memory capacity of ATmega chips in smaller and cheaper packages. Things used in ...
  5. .. 8-bit microcontrollers are able to easily transmit at this rate; for example, the WS2812B libraries for the 16 MHz Arduino Uno and Mega microprocessor development platforms use low-level assembly routines in order to achieve the ...
  6. Supply Measurement Maxim MAX34407 MAXM17504 MAX77650
    .. easy to implement are becoming more desirable. Many developers use microcontroller platforms such as ARM® mbed™, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc. for rapid prototyping. These hardware platforms can be easily upgraded using add-on ...
  7. Microchip Microchip’s robust portfolio and toolchain, with support for Amazon FreeRTOS, AWS Greengrass and AWS IoT enables the creation of connected designs with enhanced security Cloud-connected systems are becoming increasingly important ...
  8. .. America and is also the biggest DIY party in the world that will be held in my city. I’m planning to show my “Arduino” project and offering some small gifts to the audiences who would enjoy my project. I have chosen ...

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